Affirmation Cards
Always important when dealing with the world, is the Spiritual Truth of our power and our connectedness to one another. These affirmation cards have been designed to affirm the Truth of our existence.
During relaxation, they will be a pleasant reminder of Who You really are, and supply a beneficial focus for contemplation. In stressful times, they help by providing the much needed focus for centering, enabling you to handle situations with power, or to re-create your life.
There are three separate sets of cards, (each set is designed to focus upon a specific aspect: Personal Awareness and Empowerment; Health and Healing; and, Prosperity and Success) however, these sets may be intermixed as they support and reinforce one another to form a fuller picture of the whole.
I have compiled hundreds of affirmative truths and suggestions over a period of many years and have been careful to select only the most universal for this collection. They all point us in the direction which will enable us to accomplish our goals by reminding us of the “proper” state of mind from which to manifest the desired peace, awareness, empowerment,
health, and/or prosperity we seek in our lives.
Philosophy Behind the Affirmations:
The basic premise is that we are all expressions of the One Creator with the power to create our own experiences. The world as most of us are experiencing it, is a reflection of our individual and group consciousness, which generally denies our God-given power to create. We have been taught to identify with our finite bodies, emotions, and thoughts and to see ourselves as victims instead of masters.
By becoming conscious of our true nature, we are far better equipped to create the experiences we would choose, love, brotherhood, peace, good health, and prosperity. When we experience the truth of our Source and of our oneness we are able to affect and change our physical world, our selves, our relationships, and circumstances.
Three complete sets
Each set contains 25 powerful Affirmation Cards, packaged in an attractive hard plastic case. Every card has a unique, colorful, abstract background especially designed and selected to visually enhance the affirmation. A pamphlet about the cards and suggestions for their use is included.
Affirmation Cards for:
Personal Awareness and Empowerment
ISBN: 0-9648499-1-7
25- 3" x 5" cards
Prosperity and Success
ISBN: 0-9648499-3-3
25- 3" x 5" cards
Health and
ISBN: 0-9648499-2-5
25- 3" x 5" cards
SPECIAL OFFER: Buy any 3 sets for just $34.95!